Friday, June 01, 2007

Appreciation Dinner

Appreciation Dinner at Marche


2:01:00 PM <3


May Birthday Celebration

May Birthday Celebration


1:57:00 PM <3



Tsidkenu - Lord our righteousness

Cell Group
Venue: Church Office
When: Every Saturday
Time: 8pm

prayer request.

~ smooth multiplication
~ pray for all the leaders
~ pray for those who are sick
~ pray for those having low times


[08] lindy
[18] gary

[02] james
[05] david

[24] tiffany
[27] jonathon Lin
[30] eugene

[02] weilun
[04] alyssa
[12] valarie
[22] seow koon
[29] terence

[07] lois
[13] edmund
[25] xiuluan
[26] summer

[12] john
[17] gerald
[24] raymond

[07] joel
[19] rebecca

[17] jianyi
[17] weijie
[22] xiaolin
[25] paul
[30] aaron

[08] lynette
[22] gabriel

[04] weisheng
[25] wenkang
[31] caleb

[03] shihua
[08] jackson
[25] guanhua

[08] derek
[11] azel
[24] jonathan Soh
[24] kelvin
[25] sijie


t s i d k e n u

My cell group Tsidkenu:
A place of laughters joyful,
A cell of numbers plentiful.

My cell group Tsidkenu:
A new poem I sing to you,
Regardless of multiplication to two.

My cell group Tsidkenu:
Where saddened hearts may go still,
But never the love I have for you.

My cell group Tsidkenu:
My righteous Lord revealed to you,
May all who come be made brand new.

blogs & links.


.tsidkenu photo website.
.tsidkenu forum.
.tsidkenu video clips.


aaron. alyssa. azel. caleb. david. derek. edmund. gabriel. gary. gerald. gilbert. jackson. james. jian yi. jonathan soh. lindy. lois. lynette. paul. raymond. rebecca. seow koon. shihua. sijie. summer. terence. tiffany. valarie. weijie. weilun. weisheng. wenkang. xiaolin. xiuluan. yanling.

bible verses.

- Psalm 91:2 -


.July 2006.
.November 2006.
.December 2006.
.January 2007.
.March 2007.
.May 2007.
.June 2007.


individuals is to be
read at your own risk.